Beyond Meds Serices


  • OP services are offered Only on Fridays 2.30 Pm to 5.00 PM.
  • Assessments and treatments are available for all ages.
  • We administer a range of psychological assessments in the OP. These are used to guide and monitor treatment.
  • We offer OP based Mind Skills Training to boost mental wellbeing.
  • We deliver OP based specialist psychotherapy for individuals struggling due to psychologically traumatic life events.
  • Psychology ONLY services are available to those who don’t need to see psychiatrists, or wish to continue with your current psychiatrist.
  • We provide long-term individual psychotherapy for personality disorders


  • We have only Shared accommodation in Beyond Meds and the purpose is to built to be a healing environment. Patients can be admitted even if there are no carers staying with them.
  • All inpatients have a personal recovery care plan and receive intense input every day from a multi professional team (psychiatrists, Counsellor, activity coordinators, mental health nurses and social skills trainers).
  • All professionals meet daily to review your progress. You will have psychiatric consultation every week. You will have a specific counselor to coordinate your care. There are daily group therapy sessions.
  • Exercise & Sports activities (badminton, Cricket, walking,) are available throughout the day. During Thursdays and Fridays, you will have music and Art therapy sessions.
  • Your family / carer will receive weekly update on your progress. Treatment team will hold regular joint reviews (in person or online) with family/ carers.

Your Fresh Start Begins Here...